Wednesday, March 23, 2005


... Maybe you've already understood, and maybe you're feeling it, too
being far away clouds my sight
and I can't figure out the end of this Sea,
not even a lighthouse on the horizon on which I may lay my look... sick
of wandering through this fog...
... I'm struck with an intermittent sadness mixed with
And I think about every lost sailer on this huge and
black winter Sea...

[The author is anonymous]
[The picture is taken from here]

Thursday, March 17, 2005

TrainVision: #2

"A Warrior does not need to be reminded of the help given him by others. He is the first to remember and he makes sure to share with them any rewards he receives."

Warrior of the Light - Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Software patents!

Personally I think that is good to be paid for what you create. But I think is absolutely NOT good to patent basic software ideas, like an XML/Word-Processing system!
I think someone has to try to patent the process to heat the cold water... ARGH! No more free pasta!!
Try out this link.


PS: And it's better not to comment what is going on in the EU.

[The picture is taken from here]

Again on Iraq

I've found on the Major K. Blog this link:

It's a flash animation with some good pictures about this war.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Amercan Soldiers' Blogs in Iraq

I've found two interesting blogs written by two Soldiers actually deployed in Iraq. I think they're absolutely worth a read because they gives a point of view impossible to see on TVs, Newspapers and tipical media.

The Links:
365 and a Wakeup
Major K.


[The picture is taken from here]

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Perfect Planning

The Perfect Planning??
Just take all your tasks, give them the same priority and the same start date! Doh!
It seems a physicistCEO tactict, but it's not...


PS: Hey! I'm joking, this is NOT a perfect planning... just to be sure... but I've seen it... sadly...

[The picture is taken from here]